How to Create a Lasting Concrete Driveway

Create a lasting concrete driveway is a stylish, functional addition to any home. When poured correctly and maintained well, they can last for decades. However, many factors influence the lifespan of a concrete driveway. Some of the most important are proper site preparation, use of quality materials, and installation with expansion or control joints.

Mark and Britt explain that the first step in creating a lasting concrete driveway is thorough planning. This involves designing the layout and determining what decorative elements can be added to the concrete. It is also vital to consider local climate and soil conditions. A well-thought-out design will minimize issues such as drainage, settling, and water damage.

How to Create a Lasting Concrete Driveway: Expert Advice

Next, the team prepares the site by clearing away any debris or vegetation. Then they dig a shallow foundation that is slightly higher than the surrounding grade. This will allow water to drain off the driveway and prevent future settlement problems. It is also necessary to ensure that the grade is properly sloped so that water flows away from your home and avoids pooling on the concrete.

The team uses roadbase, a nonspecific mixture of crushed gravel and stone, to stabilize the area before they pour the concrete. They use heavy machinery to compact the material, ensuring it will be strong enough to support the concrete. It is also possible to add steel reinforcing to the concrete, which will make it more durable.

After the concrete is poured, Mark and Britt use an edging tool to smooth the edges. This helps to remove any bubbles or imperfections in the surface and gives it a more finished look. They then recommend sealing the concrete with a high-quality penetrating sealer. This will help to protect the concrete from excess moisture, sun damage, salt, stains, and mold.

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